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Certification Maintenance

Certification Maintenance is required of Certified Detailers at all levels as a part of certification and skill upkeep.

Note: Certification Maintenance and Member Renewal are processed separately.

To maintain your certification, you must complete eight (8) hours of detailing-related continuing education over a two-year period beginning with the date of your initial certification.  You will receive one credit hour for each full clock hour of a qualifying program with a max of four (4) credit hours per calendar day.  (MTE's Education Day is the only exception to this.)  IDA Certified Detailers with a Specialty Certification must ensure that at least two (2) of the eight (8) total credit hours are earned via continuing education activities related to each specialty.

The cost for Certification Maintenance is $100 for IDA members and $150 for non-members if you renew within the first two months after your Certification Expiration Date.  After those two months, you still have a full year to renew your certification, but at the original cost of certification ($200 for members and $400 for non-members).

Enter all your continuing education hours into your Online Certification Journal.

Certified Detailers can find their Online Certification Journal at any time by selecting "Manage Profile" from the right rail menu and then selecting the "Professional Development" tab.  The Central Office must review each credit entry.  You can speed up this process by entering your credits with as much detail as possible.

What credits apply toward Certification Maintenance?

Any detailing-related continuing education activities can be applied.  They do not have to be IDA events.  The IDA does offer free monthly webinars that can be attended for one credit and IDA webinar recordings that can also be applied for one full hour of credit.

(Note: Those who received credit for attending a live webinar are NOT eligible to earn additional credit for the same webinar via the recording.)

Some options for continuing education credit include:

  • Attending education sessions at a tradeshow
  • Listening to an industry-related podcast or webinar
  • Researching to write articles for the IDA newsletter or other industry publications
  • Researching to give detailing-related presentations
  • Attending detailing training programs

Examples of activities that do NOT count as continuing education:

  • Training sessions that you lead
  • Sessions that you present (you can submit sessions you co-present for half credit)
  • Attending an IDA Meet & Greet (unless the Meet & Greet has a specific educational component that you list in the credit description)
  • IDA Board Meetings
  • IDA Committee Meetings

If you have any questions on a specific activity, contact us.

For a video explaining how to enter continuing education credits into your journal, click here or on the video thumbnail below.

Click here to pay your Certification Maintenance fee.  The cost for Certification Maintenance is $100 for IDA members; $150 for non-members.  These prices only apply IF YOU RENEW WITHIN TWO MONTHS OF YOUR CERTIFICATION EXPIRATION DATE.  If you have passed the expiration date and the two-month grace period, you still have a full year post-expiration to renew your certification, but at the original cost of certification ($200 for members and $400 for non-members).  If your certification lapses for a full year past your Certification Expiration Date, you are no longer able to recertify with continuing education credits; you will need to re-test in order to regain your certification designation.

You can find your Certification Expiration Date in your profile information.  You can also reach out to the Central Office for your Certification Expiration Date and assistance.

The Central Office must review each Certification Maintenance application for correct payment.  You can speed up this process by paying the correct fee.

You will be notified of the successful completion of your Certification Maintenance by email, and new certification materials will be mailed to the address in your profile.  The length of this process generally takes one business week.  However, it depends on the accuracy with which the Certified Detailer submitted their materials.

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