A Recognized Independent Trainer (RIT) is an individual recognized by the IDA as qualified to offer quality training and that demonstrates the needed skill set to proctor IDA certification exams. RITs have proven to industry peers that they understand multi-faceted knowledge of techniques, terminology, and understanding of chemistry and their relation to detailing. Their RIT endorsement does not make them a more competent detailer, rather someone recognized as a detailing trainer to others in the profession. An RIT is someone to whom fellow industry professionals can reach out for accurate information. They assist others in becoming the professionals that a customer would want to entrust with some of their largest investments. RITs are held to the highest level of integrity and professionalism and are expected to support others in the detailing industry, the organization, and its certification programs. RITs must strictly adhere to the IDA Code of Ethics and be a prime example of ethical conduct to others. The role of the RIT within the IDA is to conduct certification testing for Certified Detailers (CD) and Skills Validated (SV) candidates and to be a resource for individuals seeking detailer training.